I realize the title of this blog may be controversial and I’m not here to encourage mothers to bottle feed or discourage breast feeding, I’m here to tell my story and embrace the pro-choice of women to choose to do what is best for their babies and families.
Of course I realize the benefits of breastfeeding and I think if you are able, it is wonderful. Even though I’m at peace with my story, there is still a part of me that feels that I missed out on that mother son bond of breastfeeding. I don’t disagree with the benefits of breastfeeding and I celebrate the culture and society of breastfeeding, but I do have a problem with women feeling inferior because breast is not best for their families for whatever reason, a reason that is none of my business.
I’m aware that breast milk is packed with disease-fighting substances that protect your baby from illness and that studies have shown breastfeeding may also help children avoid a host of diseases later in life. Let’s also not forget the studies that show the connection between breastfeeding and cognitive development and the emotional bond between baby and mother. As a mom, why wouldn’t I choose to give my baby the best start and protect him from illnesses now and later in life? Of course I would, I’m a mother and I will always do what is best for my baby and protect him that is my first instinct, he is my life. But life doesn’t always go as planned.
When my son was born, he had jaundice and was extremely sleepy and wouldn’t latch to my breast so I used a breast pump every three hours to get any milk, even a drop. Finally on day eight, I got 10 mls of milk and I was so excited, this gave me hope that I would be able to provide him with breast milk and the best possible start at life. I continued to exclusively pump for as long as I could but eventually I could not keep up with his growing demands so I pumped for six months and supplemented with formula along the way. I felt at peace with this, I could sleep at night knowing I did my best to provide for my baby. I felt content with my decision and I felt close to him while bottle feeding and snuggling up to him.
Our society and media focused attention on breastfeeding is great, and I personally embrace all the research, billboards, commercials and celebrities coming forward with their pictures to show how beautiful it is, acceptance and encouragement of breastfeeding is wonderful. But we can’t forget about the moms who bottle feed their babies. These moms shouldn’t feel like second class citizens for pulling out a bottle in public and have others judge them. All moms want to do what is best for their babies and bottle feeding is not the enemy. The enemy is judgement placed on us by others. Haven’t we judged mothers for too long, shouldn’t we live in a society where women can choose for themselves what works best for their babies and families (for whatever reason), isn’t it time to celebrate us all?
I encourage you to share your stories and pictures of both bottle feeding and breastfeeding. #bottlefeedingisbeautiful